Guidelines for film & photography productions in the workplace during COVID alert levels.
Shooting with a small crew in a studio or on location, taking into account government guidelines.
Mandatory requirements
As an employer, production companies must ensure that government guidelines to minimise the risk of contagion are adhered to. Namely by ensuring that proper hygiene is maintained and the required social distancing by 1,5 metres.
COVID-19 Health + Safety officer
We will have a qualified Covid-19 Safety Officer on set who is there for our safety. The Safety Officer will be responsible for overseeing health checks and ensuring that all safety protocols are adhered, the Safety Officer will manage social-distance and hygiene on set all times! The Safety Officer will provide gloves, masks, sanitizer, and will do a temperature check and will be submitting a COVID-19 symptom protocol test of all people on set.
Maintaining Social Distance
It is required that people can maintain a social distance of 1,5 meters while working. For interior shoots – The maximum amount of crew permitted entry at any one time is based on the size of accessible space on the shooting location.
Each person requires a minimum of 4 m2 for unfurnished space and 6m2 for furnished space.
Minimising the amount of people on set
The number of crew on set should be kept to the minimum and be determined by the mandated alert level at the time.
Agency and client are likewise encouraged to send the fewest possible number of representatives. Production will provide remote viewing for all other people where possible and to minimise the number of people on set and risk in the workplace. Social distancing rules apply.
Tiered arrivals and entry to set
To the extent possible – call times should be staggered so that each department is given access at timed intervals, to prevent crowding on arrival to set. Crew and all production related staff will be prohibited from using any form of public transport and therefore UBER type transport + private transport needs to be arranged accordingly where possible.
Optimizing workflow
To the extent possible – work should be coordinated in such a way that a minimum of people are given access to a space at any one time.
For example – electrical should not start work until art department is done and has exited.
Promoting Hygiene on set
All people on set are required to adhere to health authority guidelines on hygiene and behaviour required to minimize risk of spreading the disease. Alcoholic hand sanitizer is to be made available at points of entry and common areas. Information on how to maintain proper hand hygiene is to be supplied to all people present on set – both in the form of official print materials from the health authorities and as part of the morning briefing.
Cleaning requirements
Production is responsible for frequent cleaning of contact surfaces – this includes: door handles, surfaces, bathroom fixtures, and any equipment handled by more than one person. Any workstation used by more than one person needs to be cleaned between each user.
Regarding illness
Anyone exhibiting mild or severe symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted entry to set. A dry cough, fever, muscle pain and sore throat are considered to be symptoms of COVID-19.
Information regarding the risk of spreading COVID-19, and what behaviour is expected from everyone on set is to made visible in common areas. This includes agency and client.
Individual responsibility
Everybody on set has an individual responsibility to prevent transmission of COVID-19 by doing the following:
Practical implementation
Putting government guidelines for work environments into practice on set
Hair and Make-up
Hair and make-up should be reserved for featured cast only, if creative allows for that. Masks are required for Hair and make-up at this time. Before and after hair and make-up session, both talent and make-up artist are required to wash or sanitize their hands. Applicators are not permitted to be reused on different people. This includes Mascara and lipstick.
Work stations need to be cleaned between each user, and distanced a minimum of 1,5 meters apart.
Craft and Catering
Buffets are not permitted. All meals must be served as single serving portions – and distributed in such a fashion as to avoid surface contamination. All drinks must be in single serving containers, ie. water bottles and cans.
None of the following are permitted;
– Snack bowls or unpackaged foods.
– Fruit that isn’t individually packed.
Any person handling food should thoroughly wash their hands beforehand, and wear gloves.
All food packaging will need to be ECO- friendly and production will ensure that recycling is managed.
Production will provide masks for all people on set.
At time of writing we will supply 3 layered surgical masks.
With clear guidance as to how to put on and remove in a way that isn’t counter productive, and strongly emphasising that masks are not a substitute for social distancing.
We will not provide N95 masks – as there is still considered to be an international shortage and we don’t want to take masks from medical personnel.
Assisted styling is allowed for featured cast only. Before and after styling, both talent and stylist are required to wash or sanitize their hands. All background talent, should to the greatest extent possible wear their own clothes and dress from home. In the event that this is not possible – production is required to provide dressing facilities where social distancing measures can be upheld.
Video Village
Video village should be set up in a different area, if possible. To the extent possible – interactions between agency/client & crew should be kept to a minimum – with dedicated go-betweens.
Holding and Common areas
All common areas and holding for talent should be set up separately, if possible. Seating should be arranged in such a fashion as to promote distancing, and prescribed seating should minimize social interaction between departments, so that at-work groupings are maintained on breaks.
Technical recce
On the technical recce, all crew to avoid homeowners’ toilets and private spaces within the home.
Crew to travel in their own cars.
Informed consent
Each person will be on set under the premise of ‘informed consent’. They will be required, at booking stage, to inform their agent of any risk of exposure to COVID-19
To minimize the risk of infection due to aerosol particles– we will priorities ventilation of all interior spaces. Either by means of open windows or mechanical ventilation.
We are committed to ensure that all workplace protocol is adhered to and all rules as outlined, and we will have complete control over the people entering our film sets.
We at EUROCONNECTION CAPE TOWN are taking safety, social distance and hygiene measures very seriously.